
A close reading requires that you analyze specific words

Paper Assignment

I. Choose any canto fromInfernoas the subject of your study.

II. Write a threepage essay according to the following guidelines:

A. Introductory paragraph

1. Introduce the canto to your reader
2. Explain why you have chosen this canto
3. Write an arguable thesis statement

B. Body paragraphs: Using direct quotations from Inferno, doclose readings of the canto that you have chosen. Remember: a close reading requires that you analyze specific words and phrases that Dante has chosen. Why these particular words? How do these words work together?

These readings should directly support your thesis.

C. Conclusion

1. Sum up your argument
2. What have you learned from writing this paper?

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Other Subject: A close reading requires that you analyze specific words
Reference No:- TGS02552933

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