1.) A chunk of metal is held stationary, suspended by a string and the tension in the string is 19.6 N. What is the mass of the chunk of metal?
2.) If the metal in question 3 is brass, use the known density of brass (given in the lab writeup) to find the volume of the chunk of metal.
3.) A mass m is weighed while immersed in water and suspended by a string attached to a balance. The balance shows the apparent mass map of the mass when it under water. How is the volume V of the rock related to the density of water, the mass of the rock, and the apparent mass read on the balance? (Also, what isthe density of water?)
4.) A rock is thrown in a beaker of antifreeze and it sinks to the bottom. Is the buoyant force on the rock greater than, less than, or equal to the weight of the rock? Explain your answer.