Q1. What is the Equilibrium potential for sodium?
Q2. If ENa = 66 mV and VM = -52 mV what will be the direction and magnitude of the ECDF?
Q3. If D = 4 x 0.0001 cm2/sec (for oxygen through water), how long would it take the oxygen to diffuse 1 mm below the surface of a still pond?
Q4. A cell has a membrane potential of - 53 mV with the concentration of potassium inside (150mM) and the concentration outside (6mM). What will be the magnitude and direction of the ECDF?
Q5. If ECF potassium concentration is 33mM, what ICF potassium concentration is required for the condition of no net passive flux of potassium across the membrane if the cell has a membrane potential of - 56mV?
Q6. What is the time required for a particle to diffuse 100μm when D=10-9 m2.s-1?
Q7. From a current-voltage curve the change in current between two points on a straight line is 8 pA and the change in voltage between the same two points is 40 mV. What is the conductance of this channel?
Q8. If the single channel sodium current is 5pA, what is the total current from a patch of membrane which contains 45 sodium channels and the probability of opening is 0.6?