1. Question : A fallacy is _____.
a logical progression
warrant based logic
an inference from data to a claim that circumvents sound logical reasoning
a claim that represents logical reasoning in a circuitous path
a faulty synapse in the receptacle
2. Question : A car salesman says this, in order to get you to buy a new car from him:"Buddy! You gotta buy this car. Please! If you don't buy it, my boss will fire me!"This type of faulty logic is an example of _____.
the ad hominem argument
the hasty generalization fallacy
the straw man fallacy
emotional appeal to popularity
special pleading
3. Question : Do you have only a few select friends or a large circle of friends? What fallacy is operating here?
Straw man
Appeal to fear
Ad hominem
False dilemma
Questionable statistics
4. Question : All those old people are cheap. They never give me a fair tip when I park their cars in the valet parking lot. What kind of fallacy is operating here?
Straw man
Appeal to fear
Hasty generalization
Questionable statistics
Slippery slope
5. Question : Measuring our country's health by measuring the consumption of petroleum is like measuring a person's health my how much medical care he or she buys. What kind of fallacy is operating here?
Hasty generalization
Questionable statistics
False analogy
Invalid in form
Confusing assumptions with facts