1. A car is rounding a curve with a radius of 12.0 m at 8.2m/s when it hits a slippery patch. What is the minimum coefficientof static friction between the car and the slick patch of road that will allow the car to round the corner safely?
2. A target is lying flat on the ground 45 meters from thebottom of an 18 meter cliff. A boy is standing at the top of thecliff with a bow and arrow. If the boy fires the arrow parrallel tothe ground from the top of the cliff, how fast should it be goingso that it hits the target?
3. A 20 kg concrete block is supported by two cables. Thecables make angles of 60 degrees with the ceiling. Find thetensions in the cables.
4. A girl is sledding in the winter; the total mass of thesled and girl is 55kd. The coefficient of kinetic friction betweenthe sled and the snow is 0.14. She chooses a run where the inclineis 24 degrees. What is her acceleration?
5. A man is dragging a trunk in a busy airport at a contantvelocity. He applies a force at an angle of 40 degrees above thehorizontal. The trunk weighs 240 N. If the coefficient of frictionis 0.35, with what force is he pulling the trunk?