
A bungee jumper falls for 13s before the bungee cord

A bungee jumper falls for 1.3s before the bungee cord beginsto stretch. Until the jumper has bounced back up to this level, thebungee causes the jumper to have ab average acceleration upward of4m/s?

(a) How fast is the jumper going when the bungee cord beginsto stretch?

(b) How far below the diving platform is the jumper at thatmoment?

(c) How long after the bungee cord begins to stretch does thejumper reachthe low point of the drop?

(d) How far below the diving platform is the jumper at theinstant the speed is zero?

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Physics: A bungee jumper falls for 13s before the bungee cord
Reference No:- TGS0829807

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