
A bulleted summary of key points of the product strategy

Dvelop a product strategy that will support the effective sale and presentation of Apple, Inc. to prospective customers. Knowing the product inside and out, how it is used, and sometimes misused by customers is important, as well as understanding how the product compares to others in the market. Not only must the salesperson be well acquainted with all product features, but they must be able to link each feature to a particular customer benefit. The age and life cycle of the product must also be taken into account for the product strategy to be effective. Your product strategy should include: o A description of the product or created product solution. o The product's current status in the product life cycle. Is it a new or emerging product? Or is it a mature and well-established product? o The product features and benefits. Please note there is a difference between features and benefits. o Identification of close competitive products and a comparison of your chosen product to the competition. This will help you understand product differential and advantage. You can do this using a chart and then summarize your findings. o Identification of a product strategy regarding price, value added or other, and support for your choice. o A bulleted summary of key points of the product strategy that could be used by a new sales associate to help them understand the product and situation.

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Operation Management: A bulleted summary of key points of the product strategy
Reference No:- TGS0591660

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