
A bug can be defined as an unexpected defect in a computer


A bug can be defined as an unexpected defect in a computer program. Number of faults, flaws and imperfection can be encountered in an application developed with a given technology and platform. All these bugs should be reported to the organization responsible for the development of that that particular software product. All software development companies are interested in getting updates for the recognized bugs in all of their products, so that' they can be fixed at the earliest by their technical experts. We need a system which can help in tracking bugs with all information about them. Such a system is known as bug tracking system

The required Information about a bug can include:
• Time when the bug first appeared
• Steps to reproduce this bug, it any
• The product name and version related to bug
• Environment (Windows. UNIX) in which bug appeared
• Type of the bug (GUI, Server)

A bug tracking system is software which can be designed to help programmers in keeping track of reported bugs in their other software products. This can be seen as one of the form of issue tracking system. A bug tracking system allows user to report 0 detected bug directly to the concerned people who can fix it. A bug tracking system can be integrated with some other software management applications and can be used internally in a software developing organization to improve the team work efficiency.

A bug tracking system is maintains a database that records all facts about all detected and reported bugs. The details about a bug may include its seventy, the unexpected program behavior, the identity of the user who reported it and identify of expert who is fixing it.

A bug can be assigned a status according to the stage of its life cycle and can be moved from one status to another status like new, assigned, closed and more only an administrator should be allowed to configure the different states of a bug. The complexity of fixing a bug does not attend on the severity of that bug.

This chapter discusses the software development life cycle of a project named Bug Tracking System which can be used to track all bugs reported by the user.

SDLC of the project
The software development life cycle (SDLC of a project should be discussed first when a project development is planned. An efficient requirement analysis and software design assumes. The development of equality efficient system with fewer effects in changing modules again and again which the case may be with a poorly analyzed and designed system. The SDLC of the project has been discussed further in this chapter.

Requirement Analysis
The requirement analysis of a given system specifics its exact need. All requirements to be fulfilled by the newly designed system should be considered first before designing it. A better design can only be prepared after a full requirement analysis of the system and fending why the system is required. A bus tracking system can be used by some and uses who can import a bug encountered by them. The other users of this application one software management people who are responsible to handle all the bugs reported and fix them. Following is the list of requirement to be fulfilled for bug tracking system.

Software system:
After going through requirement analysis, we can design various modules for the application. These modules can be designed and planned separately and integrated together to make whole application work and meet all requirements specified in requirement specifications.
- Login module
- Admin module
- Technical Expert module
- Bug Reporting module
Let us now discuss all these modules in detail

Login Module
This module has been designed to manage login process All types of accesses by deferent type 01 users are venfied for their authentication This module includes user interface to enter loan kl and password to check the identity of the user Only the authorized user can configure a repotted bug for es status Different modules are secured from different type of users who do not have the privilege to access some module

Admin Module
This module manages functions such as assigning various properties to the reported bugs (severity, priority) and changing its status Further. a handles the assignment of specific bug to some technical expert who can fix it An administrator can also delete the bugs if required

Technical Expert Module
This module helps in handling of reported bugs by some technical experts assigned to them by administrator They can provide some sort of solutions for the reported bugs Some bugs cannot be fixed in the current version of the software produce and hence the solution can be amen in the form of new version of the product A technical expert can give solutions only for the bugs assigned to it

Bug Reporting Module
This module provide user interfaces to submit details of a newly encountered bug A normal user can sign In and report a bug which has been detected by him The user can enter alt details of the bog Including how the program behaves because of the bug. The steps to reproduce bug, and two of the bug. A user can sea details off the bugs reported by bin with the different comments given by number of technical experts.

Database Design
Facts about oil reported bugs ore to be maintained in database The available authorized es of villo on access the system is also stored the bon of fable Hence, we design a database schema le be managed by this application.

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JAVA Programming: A bug can be defined as an unexpected defect in a computer
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