A brief written report to each client and to professor with


First, please read each prompt carefully before you begin to write to ensure that you do not respond to a prompt in the wrong area.

Please complete the following journal prompts to complete Journal #3; please be honest and reflective. Take the reflective prompt seriously and give it your full attention.

You need to type your response under each prompt below, then save and upload your complete journal.

Now that we are into the fifth week of the semester:

• If you could re-start this semester, what would you do differently in this class? Why?

• Even if you could re-start this semester, what would you continue to do the same in this class? Why?

• What have you learned from this research at this one-third-point evaluation that you can apply in other classes? In your career?

• What concept/idea/methodology of the class are you finding the most enjoyable? Why?

• With what concept/idea/methodology of the class are you having the most difficulty/finding the most confusing? Why?

• Of the five projects that you will complete by semester end with your team, which are you looking forward to the most? Why?

Project outlines BSAD

Project #1:

Exploratory research: Individuals conduct background research on optimal web design and social media practices to market a student's on-line brand. Client: Students in Selling class BSAD 403.

Product: a brief written report to each client and to professor with afollow-up Journal assessment of project outcome; in-class discussion and debriefing.

Project #2:

Exploratory research: observation. Teams will conduct hidden, unobtrusive observation research.

Product: a brief written report to each client and to professor; individual and team follow-up Journal assessment of project outcome. In-class discussion and debriefing.Client, inter- and intra-peer feedback.

Project #3:

Descriptive research: Teams will utilize mobile devices and mobile survey apps to gather data on advertisements. Client: TBA; teams MUST pass IRB approval to conduct this research.

Product: a brief written report to professor; report to client TBD. In-class discussion and debriefing. Inter- and intra-group peer feedback.

Project #4:

Descriptive research: Teams will utilize the on-line survey software, Checkbox, through TruView to gather data on student awareness and attitude. Client: TBA; teams MUST pass IRB approval to conduct this research.

Product: a brief written report and oral presentation to class. Inter- and intra-group peer feedback on presentation.

Project #5:

Experimental research: Teams will conduct experimental research within the classroom setting; brief outline and oral presentation to class. Inter- and intra-group feedback.
Product: TBD

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Marketing Research: A brief written report to each client and to professor with
Reference No:- TGS02450615

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