
A brief statement and explanation of the theorytheorists

This CTP is to be written per APA style and remember to cite! Refer to Purdue Owl website or the Student writing Center for questions. The purpose of this rubric is to provide you feedback on your Critical Thinking papers and to give you suggestions for improvement.



Apply the ethical principle of a major ethical theory to reach a resolution of the central ethical issue. Apply two different theories.(1st theory: Consequential -Mandatory, Act utilitarianism, as well as, a 2nd theory: virtue ethics, natural law, natural rights, deontology (Kant) or contractarianism). You can choose the second theory, but it has to be Non-Consequential. Reminder: Egoism may NOT be used!

A brief statement and explanation of the theory/theorist's history, frame/type and what that means, and main principle should be included before applying it. When you apply the principle, you should weigh each option you identified in your analysis according to the principle's "main idea." You are strongly advised to use the "Steps in Applying" the theories presented in the chapters on consequentialist and non-consequentialist theories. Be as detailed as you can in your discussion of each option.

Choose the option that you think is the wisest, most ethical option and justify your decision. This should not be an unsupported opinion. Using your analysis and application, as well as consideration of any other relevant rules, laws, or new researched evidence from the case, then select and defend (explain why) the option you think is most morally right/permissible.Remember that the theory helps guide the best decision! *Include in this section either a deductive (classical syllogism) or inductive argument. (refer to ch. 4 in your textbook).

Effective reasoning involves being able to consider other perspectives. This section should help develop that skill. So, identify at least two objections to your conclusion or arguments against the option that you selected as being morally right or ethically permissible. What might someone who disagrees with you say as a rebuttal? How would you defend against those arguments? (Similar to a debate.)

Reflect/self-evaluate your own thought process. What did you learn about the way you think by having gone through a systematic approach to the case study? What could you do to improve? How might you use this process to make decisions in your own life?

Note: Reflection should NOT be a "conclusion" like in a paper for an English class where you just restate all of your previous opinions. Rather, you should be thinking about your own thinking (metacognition)! Refer to your TEXTBOOK for various questions to answer in this section.

One goal of these papers is to improve your writing, so part of the score depends on composition. Organize your thoughts carefully, explain them clearly, and proofread for errors in grammar and composition. Each paper must be formatted according to APA standards! Any outside sources must be properly cited.The entire critical thinking paper must be at least 2,000 words long.

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English: A brief statement and explanation of the theorytheorists
Reference No:- TGS01693444

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