
A brief review of previous research setting the stage for

Question: Assessment Key for Sections 1 through 4:






Several pieces of key information were missing and many of the explanationswere poor/unclear

Needs Work

One or two pieces of key information were omitted and/or some of the explanation was unclear


All of the information was included and  explained clearly with a minor omission


 All information was included, was very clearly explained (and presentation was enhanced in some way)

Section 1. Introduction. This should include:

Presenters' names

The title and author(s) of the article

A clear statement of the purpose of the studyand statement of the authors' hypothesis or hypotheses

A brief review of previous research setting the stage for the present investigation

Definition of vocabulary that will be important for your audience in understanding the article

Overall quality of this section of presentation:

1.  Unacceptable

2. Acceptable

3. Good

4. Superior

Section 2. The research design and data collected. This section should include:

A description of the participants

A description of the tasks that participants were given (and why they were given them)

A description of the order of tasks and how they were administered

An explanation of the data that were collected

An explanation of why the study was designed this way (how it enables the researchers to test their hypothesis/hypotheses)

Overall quality of this section of presentation:

1.  Unacceptable

2. Acceptable

3. Good

4. Superior

Section 3. Results. This section should include:

Presentation and explanation of the data

Graphs/tables/figures to aid in the explanation (make sure you EXPLAIN what these show)

Whether the hypothesis was supported and what that means

Overall quality of this section of presentation:

1.  Unacceptable

2. Acceptable

3. Good

4. Superior

Section 4. Conclusions/Discussionrelated to the article. This section should include:

What the results of the studies tell us about this topic/area of cognitive psychology (and how these findings are/can be applied to the "real world")

Critiques of the research (what could have/should have been done better/differently)

Suggestions for future research

Questions for your audience (optional)

Overall quality of this section of presentation:

1.  Unacceptable

2. Acceptable

3. Good

4. Superior

Section 5. General Presentation Skills. Were the presenters:

Was the presenter organized, clear, engaged with audience, able to maintain audience interest, able to use technology/visual aids/activities effectively, and did they speak clearly and maintain eye contact?

Overall quality of this section of presentation:

1.  Unacceptable

2. Acceptable

3. Good

4. Superior

Article: Does the autistic child have a "theory of mind"?* (By SIMON BARON-COHEN, ALAN M. LESLIE, UTA FRITH)

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Dissertation: A brief review of previous research setting the stage for
Reference No:- TGS02772645

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