
A brief history of the discipline in that country - the

However, your report must be based upon at least two sources.

Your report should clearly provide the reader with a good overview of the discipline of psychology in your chosen country. In your report you should attempt to address the following topics:

1). A brief history of the discipline in that country;

2). The degree to which psychology has been imported from other countries;

3). The relative importance of scientific or academic research and applied psychology;

4). The status of psychology as a profession;

5). The level and type of training necessary to become a professional psychologist;

6). The major theoretical orientation(s) and whether if any one theoretical orientation dominates;

7). Major research trends or focuses; and

8). Professional organizations and codes of ethics.

Conclude by discussing the major tenets of both cultural psychology and cross cultural psychology and whether or not the field of psychology in that country emphasizes the major tenets associated with cross cultural or cultural psychology. Are there any associations or professional groups dedicate to this area of the field? Are any of the basic tenants of these two areas of the field mentioned in a code of ethics or professional conduct?

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Essay Writing: A brief history of the discipline in that country - the
Reference No:- TGS02820259

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