
A box 10 kg in massis sitting 4 meters above the ground on

A box 10 kg in massis sitting 4 meters above the ground on the edge of a skateborders half-pipe ramp. (A semi-circle essentially) and another box is sitting stationary at the bottom of the ramp which is 8 kg in mass.

(a) When the box is released from the top, what will its speed bejust before it hits the other box sitting at the bottom of the ramp?

(b) What will the speed of both boxes be after collison?

(c) If the box that was released recoils and comes back up the ramp to which it was sliding down, how far will it travel before coming back down? [I would have uploaded a pic to make it more clear but my comp isnt letting me upload anything at the moment]

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Physics: A box 10 kg in massis sitting 4 meters above the ground on
Reference No:- TGS0819733

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