A Biomedical Scientist made a blood film and stained it. She then examined the blood film and reported the following:-
Red cells showed varying cell shapes and sizes. Occasional nucleated red blood cells were seen. Occasional red cell fragments were seen. Marked thrombocytopaenia.
A manual differential white blood cell count was performed by this biomedical scientist, with the following results (overleaf):-
Neutrophils 2% of white cells
Lymphocytes 17% "
Monocytes 1% "
Myelocytes 19% "
Promyelocytes 59% "
Blast cells 2% "
The biomedical scientist contacted the consultant haematologist to let her know the results from the FBC and clotting tests. The consultant then came to the lab to scan the blood film herself and made the following blood film comments:-
Many promyelocytes seen with azurophilic granules and bundles of Auer rods.