
A baby boomer student went to buy a usb drive

A Baby Boomer student went to buy a USB drive. She had no idea how it worked or what it was. When she asked the store clerk, a Millennial, how to get her data from her computer to the USB drive, he looked at her like she was from Mars. And, to top it off, NO directions come with the USB drive. She eventually called a friend and talked to the friend's teen, who explained it all to her.

This is an example of one of the communication gaps between people in different generations. It sounds like the guy who sold the flash drive really had no idea how to communicate with someone who did not know that essential piece of information. How could he talk with someone who didn't know that?
Share with us your examples of generation gap or other diversity related miscommunication. What happened and how did you resolve it? What role did communication play? How could you use the communication model in the lecture to improve communication in a similar situation?

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Science: A baby boomer student went to buy a usb drive
Reference No:- TGS051785

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