Business Law: Allen is driving below the speed limit in the left lane of a busy one-way road. Out of nowhere, a ten-year-old child, Ben, runs into the street chasing a soccer ball. Allen, in order to avoid hitting Ben, swerves into the right lane. Allen avoids hitting Ben but causes Carl, who is driving in the right lane going 20 mph over the speed limit, to lose control of his car and hit a telephone pole. Carl is badly hurt. The telephone phone falls over and snaps in two. One half of the pole roles over and crushes Ben's leg; the other half falls onto Danny's house and smashes a hole in the roof. Discuss and Explain the following:
A. As to Ben, is Allen liable for damages? What defenses would be available to Allen?
B. As to Carl, is Allen liable for damages? What defenses would be available to Allen?
C. As to Danny, is Allen liable for damages? What defenses would be available to Allen?