A number k > 1 is called humble if the only prime factors of k are 3 and 5. Consider the task of,on input n, outputting the n smallest humble numbers and the following algorithm to do it:
count = 0, prevOutput = 0
while (count n)
cur = Heap.ExtractMin
if cur != prevOutput
then output cur
count = count + 1
prevOutput = cur
(a) Argue that the algorithm above (1) outputs numbers in increasing order, (2) doesnot output any number twice, (3) only outputs humble numbers, and (4) outputs all of thefirst n humble numbers.
(b) Derive an exact (i.e., no O-notation) bound on the number of times Heap. Insertis called.
(c) Bound exactly the number of times Heap.ExtractMin is called.(Hint: Use (b).)
(d) Use the answers to (b) and (c) above to argue that Humble runs in O(n log n)time. Assume that arithmetic can be performed in O(1) time.