
Aaperiodic signal xt 2sinc2t is multiplied by a periodic

A aperiodic signal x(t) = 2sinc(2t) is multiplied by a periodic rectangular pulse train s(t) with fundamental frequency F0 = 4 Hz and the fundamental rectangular pulse given by p(t) = 1, -1/80 <= t <= 1/80 ...... 0, otherwise. To obtain a signal xs(t) = x(t)s(t).

(a) Compute and plot the CTFT X( j2 pi F) over the |F| <= 80 range in Hz.

(b) Compute and plot the CTFS coefficients ck over the |F| <= 80 range in Hz.

(c) Compute Xs( j2piF)  and plot it over the |F| <= 80 range in Hz.

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Electrical Engineering: Aaperiodic signal xt 2sinc2t is multiplied by a periodic
Reference No:- TGS0566953

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