
A 55-year-old woman applied online for a financial analyst

A 55-year-old woman applied online for a financial analyst position and other jobs with an employer. The woman had a master's in accounting and an M.B.A. in finance in addition to fifteen years of experience in fields including financial analysis. She was not interviewed or hired for any of these positions. The application form that she completed asked applicants to indicate "the year you started working professionally." The manager responsible for re- viewing applications said that she was not aware of the applicant's age at the time that her appli- cations were reviewed. The employer cited lack of current or relevant experience, the superior qualifications of other candidates, and some positions that were not filled at all as reasons for not hiring her. The woman sued. What should the court decide? Why? (Smiarowski v. Philip Morris USA, 2005 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 13299 (S.D.N.Y.), cert. denied, 2007 U.S. LEXIS 7546))

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Management Theories: A 55-year-old woman applied online for a financial analyst
Reference No:- TGS01353747

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