A 2500 gram sample of unknown water was acidified properly

High phosophate levels in water systems may contribute to several environmental problems. One method to gather data for his determination would be to perform a gravimetric analysis to determine the level of phosphorus (P) in an aqueous sample by converting it to P2O7. A 25.00 gram sample of unknown water was acidified, properly treated with a precipitating agent and, when heated, showed the sample to contain 6.06% P. How many grams of P2O7 would have to be precipitated for this result?

P = 30.9738 g/mol; P2O7 = 173.94 g/mol.

  • 4.028 g
  • 4.157 g
  • 4.254 g
  • 4.356 g
  • 4.497 g

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Chemistry: A 2500 gram sample of unknown water was acidified properly
Reference No:- TGS01404135

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