
A 150mhz sinusoidal plane wave propagates inair at

A 150MHz sinusoidal plane wave propagates inair at 30degrees with respect to the +x-axis in the x-y plane. TheE-fiels is polarized parallel to the plane of incidence and has amagniutde of 2V/m.
A) Write down expressions for E of this wave in both the time-domain and phasor domain.
B) Reapeat part a) for H.
C) Write expressions for both instantaneaus and time-averagedPoynting vectors.
D) Assume that the wave considered above impinges upon ateflon half-space located at 0<=x<∞ having εr=2.1, μ =μ 0, and σ=0. Write expressions for the phasor-domain reflected E and Hfields

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Electrical Engineering: A 150mhz sinusoidal plane wave propagates inair at
Reference No:- TGS0633473

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