
a 138 kv feed er circui t breaker has a 6005

A 13.8 kV feed er circui t breaker has a 600:5 multira tio curr ent
transform er with charact eristics as show n in Figure 5.11. Th e max -
imum load on the feed er is 80 A pri mary. Phase time inve rse overcurrent
relays are connec ted to the CT secon daries. The relay burden
is 3.2 VA at the tap values selected, and the lead burden is 0.38 V.
a. If the 100:5 CT ratio is used, then a relay tap of 5 A is required in order
for the relay pickup to be 125% above the maximum load. With these,
determine the minimum primary current to just operate the relays.
b. For the select ion of part a what is the appro ximate maximu m
symme trical fault curr ent for whi ch the CTs will not saturate
(use the ANS I=IEEE knee point)?
c. If the 200:5 CT ratio is used so that the 2.5 A relay tap can be used,
determine the minimum primary current to just operate the relays.
13.8 kV
Bus Load bus
MVASC = 312.5
Z0 = 11.93 ?8 pu
On 100 MVA base
On 100 MVA base
X1 = X2 = j 0.42 pu
X0 = j 1.26 pu
X2 = 0.15 pu
X0 = 8
4 MVA load
@ 0.9 pf
@ 4 MVA
 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
d. Repeat part b for the selection of part c.
e. Which of thes e two CT and relay select ions would you recommend ?

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Electrical Engineering: a 138 kv feed er circui t breaker has a 6005
Reference No:- TGS0173008

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