
7ib003 international business environment - you need

Learning outcomes:

LO1 Evaluate the Institutions of the global economy

LO2 Analyse arguments about global economic trends and dynamics

LO3 Interpret differing levels of global movements of goods and factors of production

LO4 Interpret and apply economic analysis to the role of international business organisations and their activities

Assessment Brief/Task

The detailed requirements for this task are as follows:

Using data that you have collected from the relevant sources including World Investment Reports (WIR) to write an essay analysing the current FDI flow pattern (both inflows and outflows) around the world. The analysis should be conducted at both regional (e.g. Asian, Africa, Europe, and etc) and country levels. You need identify and apply the relevant FDI theories for critical analysis in relation to why and what factors have shaped the FDI patterns.

The following information is important when:

- Preparing for your assessment
- Checking your work before you submit it
- Interpreting feedback on your work after marking.

Assessment Criteria
The module Learning Outcomes tested by this assessment task are indicated on page 1. The precise criteria against which your work will be marked are as follows:

- This assignment requires you to demonstrate that you understand FDI related theories and issues.

- You will be expected to use supporting theoretical frameworks and concepts to structure your analysis and to be able to justify the use of these frameworks.

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International Economics: 7ib003 international business environment - you need
Reference No:- TGS01685248

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