5. Steve dies
a) any money he has will go to the state
b) his property would go to cover probate costs
c) his property would go first to close relative related by blood and if none to the state
d) his property would pass according to the terms of his last oral instructions.
8. Lori was acquitted of murder. Which is true:
a) The defendant may now be tried for assault and battery
b) The State may appeal her conviction
c) The defendant can be sued civilly by the victim's family
d) If the defendant committed the offense, she may be retried on new evidence.
17. A dog:
a. Is entitle to at least 1 bite
b. According to a case in book is like personal property
c. Both A and B
D. None of the above.
19. Procedural Due Process guarantees that a person:
a. Get his Miranda Warnings when arrested
b. Be given bail
c. Get a fair hearing
d. Be given the benefit of the doubt.
23. A season ticket holder sued the New England Patriots claiming that he has a contractual right to review his season tickets. The holding in that case was:
a. The purchase of a ticket creates nothing more than a reasonable license
b. A ticket issuer's decision to cancel the ticket the ticket holder is valid no matter what the reason
c. A season ticket holder is not entitled to an automatic renewal each year
d. All of the above.
25. A beach town enacts an ordinance that prohibits a person who is not physically fit from wearing a bikini on public beach. The penalty is removal from the beach and a $200 fine. The ordinance:
a. is Unconstitutional
b. Serves a legitimate public purpose
c. Is within the police power of the state to enact
d. Needs to be restricted to "fat" people
26. Joe gave an engagement ring to Mary then broke off the engagement. Which is correct:
a. He will never be able to get the ring back
b. He can't get the ring back if it was a gift or a special occasion
c. He can always get the ring back
d. If he didn't break the engagement, he will always get the ring back
27. Chyrisse went to a restaurant and found a bug in her soup. She was outraged and went to her lawyer wanting to sue. In order for her to collect, she will need to prove:
a. other people saw the bug too
b. that the owner knew there was a bug
c. she got sick
d. that seeing the bug proximately caused her outrage.
28. Status and Process:
a. is a theory of law that makes judicial decisions easier to understand
b. claims one of the parties may have a favored status with law
c. helps predict the outcome of a case knowing who the law wants to protect
d all of these.
32.Judges in jury trials:
a. are finders of facts
b. instruct members of the jury on the law
c. are not needed
d. can not prevent a case from getting to a jury
30.The case in the book that deals with an invasion of privacy law in Washington State and concerned a question of voyeurism was an illustration of :
a. common law
b. criminal contempt
c statutory law
d. civil damages
31. Common law is to Statutory law as
a. courts are to legislature
b. divorce is to marriage
c. life is to death
d. ordinances are to statutes.
33. Paul and Dave entered into a civil union in the state of Vermont. The state of Georgia chose not to recognize same sex marriage. If they move to Georgia:
a. Their relationship must be recognized
b Comity would apply
c. Full faith and credit would prevail
d. Public policy of Georgia will prevail
35. A fixture is
a. discussed under the topic of property law in the book
b. goes along with the sale of a home
c. is like a trade fixture
d. both A and B.
36. Sumaya shot Janet in the arm because she stole her car:
a. Sumaya will win if sued civilly
b. Sumaya has a claim of self defence
c. Sumaya may be criminally prosecuted
d. Sumaya must be acquitted of all charges.