Engineering Project Preparation Assignment
My project topic is - strength characteristics on fly ash based Geopolymer concrete.
Strictly follow the guide lines -
1. Executive Summary - Brief overview of project, main aim of project, potential findings and conclusions.
2. Introduction - Presents general project area, relevance of project, specific investigation of project and a brief outline of proposal to follow.
3. Literature Review - Critically reviews existing work, identifies relevant research areas and any opposing views. Links to the gap your project will fill.
4. Research Question/s, Aim & Sub-goals - Provides precise and measurable research question/s that the project aim will answer. States project aim and steps to meet aim. Presents tangible sub-goals.
5. Theoretical Content - Clear theoretical basis for work e.g. hypothesis, theoretical approach/es. Shows impact of theory on project steps.
6. Experimental Set-up - Discussion of lab and/or field set-up and potential limitations.
7. Results, Outcome and Relevance - Explanation of data, variables and parameters and type of results to be investigated. Makes projection of outcome and shows relevance of outcome.
8. Project Planning and Gantt Chart - Transforms sub-goals into a schedule of work using a Gantt Chart showing: the three key review points, milestones and deliverables.
9. Conclusions - Clear precise conclusions on proposed work. Makes supported statement on the longer-term impact of the work on the project area.
10. Referencing
11. Organisation - Logical organization, reasonable amount of information and flowing paragraphs
12. Grammar - Grammar and spelling mostly used well, not distracting the reader.
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