(4_1) submit this hw by "./submit lastname4_1.s hw4_1" Write a program to find and print a factorial numbers:
fac(l) = 1, fac(n) = fac(n — 1) * n (it 2) Your program should prompt the user to enter a number n and print out the sequence:
f ac(1), fac(2),.., fac(n). Your program should repeatedly prompts the user for retry.
Here is what the user will see when the program is executed:
This program prints the factorial sequence:
Enter a number: 5
1 2 6 24 120
Would you like to try again(Y/N):Y
Enter a number: 3 126
Would you like to try again(Y/N):
(5)Write an assembly program to translate an input number to its binary representation. Your program should repeatedly prompts the user for an input and display the input in binary form, until the user chooses to quit.
Note: For positive number, do not show leading zeros..
Here is what the user will see when the program is executed:
This Program prints the binary equivalent of a decimal number
Please enter a number:78
Binary number = 1001110
Would you like to try again(Y/N):Y
Please enter a number: 78
Binary number = 11111111111111111111111110110010
Would you like to try again (Y/N):