
401208 - research for nursing and midwifery assessment -

Research for Nursing and Midwifery Assessment - Guided Review of Nominated literature

Aim of assessment - The aim of this assessment item is to enable students to explore, in detail, the research process by reviewing a journal article.

Please use research methods literature to inform the guided review. The assessment must comply with the following:

  • Students must respond to each of the questions provided in the guide for analysis using academic writing. It is anticipated that the work will be presented in a question / answer format using full sentences and paragraphs.
  • Please type your responses on the template provided in the assessment tab on vUWS.
  • Referencing must be presented in APA 6, according to Section 4.3 Citing Resources and References in this learning guide.
  • The nominated article does not need to be referenced in text.
  • A minimum of three (3) recent academic references must be used to demonstrate your understanding (published no earlier than 2012).
  • The questions provided in the guide and reference list are not included in the word limit.
  • Refer to section entitled Submission of Assessment Tasks for guidance regarding word limit and further formatting /submission detail.


i. Examples may be available on the vUWS site.

ii. There are a number of textbooks and resources available through the Western Sydney University Library that may assist you. Please refer to the unit's vUWS site for specific unit resources.

Assessment - Guided Review of nominated literature (QUALITATIVE)

Please use the questions provided in this guide to review the qualitative journal article (available in the assessment tab on vUWS). When answering each question please explain and justify responses with reference to the current literature. Please see Marking Criteria and Standards on page 13-18.

1. Background of the study

a. What is the health issue that provides the focus of this study?

b. Generally, what have been the results of previous studies of this issue?

c. What is the significance of this study?

2. Overview of research design

a. What was the aim of the research?

b. What research design was used?

c. Describe the main characteristics of the research design identified.

d. How did the research design chosen meet the aim(s) of the study?

3. Sampling

a. What were the characteristics of the participants in this study?

b. What were the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the sample?

c. Why is it important to identify these criteria before recruitment starts?

d. What sampling technique was used in this study?

e. How was this sample appropriate for meeting the research aim?

4. Data collection

a. How were the data collected?

b. What, specifically, did the researchers do?

c. How did data collection fit the aims of this study?

d. What might have been some advantages and disadvantages of this method of data collection?

e. From your understanding of the weekly readings, what if any, are some alternative methods of data collection that these researchers could have chosen?

5. Data analysis/results

a. How was the data analysed?

b. Why is it important to select applicable methods of data analysis in qualitative research?

c. What did the researchers say about the rigour of their analysis?

d. What were the study findings?

e. Into which other settings can these findings be transferred?

Assessment - Guided Review of nominated literature (QUANTITATIVE)

Please use the questions provided in this guide to review the quantitative journal article (available in the assessment tab on vUWS). When answering each question please explain and justify responses with reference to the current literature. Please see Marking Criteria and Standards on pages 20 to 25.

1. Background of the study

a. What is the health issue that provides the focus of this study?

b. Generally, what have been the results of previous studies of this issue?

c. What is the significance of the study?

2. Overview of the research design

a. What was the aim of the research?

b. What research design was used?

c. Describe the main characteristics of the research design identified.

d. How did the research design chosen meet the aim(s) of the study?

3. Sampling

a. What were the characteristics of participants in this study?

b. What are the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the sample?

c. Why is it important to have these criteria identified before recruitment starts?

d. What sampling technique was used in this study?

e. How was this sample appropriate for meeting the research aim?

4. Data collection

a. How were the data collected?

b. What specifically did the researchers do?

c. How did this data collection method fit the aims of the study?

d. What might have been some advantages and disadvantages of this method of data collection?

e. From your understanding of the weekly readings, what if any, are some alternative methods of data collection that these researchers could have chosen?

5. Data Analysis and results

a. How were the data analysed?

b. Was the data analysis method appropriate for the study question and the research design?

c. What did the researchers say about the rigour of their analysis?

d. How did the researchers describe the significance of the results?

e. Into which other settings can these results be generalised?

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