
401007 approaches to professional nursing practice school

This is an critical reflective essay on a case study on blood mix-up.

Read the ABC news article

Article - Coroner recommends changes after blood mix-up patient death

Structure of Essay

The essay is divided into three parts:

Introduction (about 80-100 words)

An opening sentence that introduces topic
General background information related to topic
Thesis Statement
Outline of main ideas covered in body

Opening Sentence
Is concise
Sparks interest in the topic
Does not include reasons or examples
Does not include an in-text citation

Activity # 1

Work individually and identify the most appropriate opening sentence:
Nairn, Thompson and Chambers (2012) claim that critical reflection enables nurse educators to bridge the theory practice gap.
Improved nursing performance and patient safety are the main reasons for reflecting on practice.
Why should nurses use critical thinking?
Critical reflection has become an essential component of contemporary nursing practice.

Background Information

Set the topic in context by providing some general background information which could include:

Reasons for significance of topic/issue
Examples of use in healthcare

-Note: no references necessary

Note: Ensure that the information is relevant!

Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is:
A broad, formally written statement
Your point of view on a particular topic without the "I"

Critical reflection ensures quality patient care.
The benefits of critical reflection are recognised and employed to transform nursing practice.
A thesis statement could stress a particular fact:
It is generally acknowledged/considered that critical reflection paves the way for optimal health delivery.
There is no doubt that critical reflection is a fundamental skill that empowers nurses.

Activity # 2 (group work) -Write a thesis statement

Use the following questions to guide your thoughts:
Is critical reflection important in nursing?
Can you think of one reason for its importance?
Work in groups and draft your thesis statement

Essay Outline

Provides a map of main ideas to be discussed in body paragraphs
Generally the last sentence of the introduction
Note: There are no unexpected twists and turns in
essay writing! The main ideas previewed in
introduction are expanded on in body
paragraphs in the same sequence as in the

Activity # 3 (Pair work) - Identify the main ideas from the Details section of your Assessment task (p.5 in your Learning Guide). These will be the controlling ideas of your body paragraphs and MUST be previewed in your OUTLINE

1. A comprehensive description of the critical incident.
2. An explanation of how the event made you feel and why it made you feel this way.
3. Evaluate the consequences of this critical incident for the health consumer (patient and their family).
4. Analyse the implications of this critical incident for your future nursing practice.
5. Identify and discuss new knowledge gained from this incident.
6. Develop an action plan to enhance your own learning from this incident.

Body paragraphs

Each body paragraph normally consists of:
A topic sentence that introduces the main idea (No in-text citation!)
Supporting sentences (facts/examples/statistics that elaborate on the main idea; insert in-text citations/references)
A concluding sentence that wraps up the paragraph (No in-text citation required)

Activity # 4 (Group work): What are some negative aspects of this incident for the health consumer (patient and their family)? Are there any positive aspects? - Discuss.

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Dissertation: 401007 approaches to professional nursing practice school
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