
400777 leadership for quality safety in health care -

Critical appraisal requirements

Critically appraise (review) the literature pertaining to human factors related to work performance and critically analyse the relationship between these and quality and safety in health care

What is a critical appraisal of literature?

It is synthesising and analysing evidence in order to evaluate the significance of a specific topic or issue
How is evidence synthesised?
By drawing out ideas from different sources and showing that they overlap
How is evidence analysed?
By identifying issues and themes that arise frequently in the literature
By outlining consensus or disagreement about a topic/issue

Structure of critical appraisal
Divided into three parts:

Key Elements of Introduction
An opening sentence that introduces topic
General background information related to topic
Thesis statement
Outline of main ideas covered in body

The Introduction: Opening Sentence

Is concise
Sparks interest in the topic
Does not include reasons or examples
Does not include an in-text citationThe aim

Provides the reason for the critical appraisal
Usually follows the thesis
Written using the future tense "is to"
For example:
The aim/purpose of this paper is to explore/investigate the association between human factors, workplace performance and quality and safety in health contexts.

Refer to page 10 of your learning guide when writing the aim.


Provides a map of main ideas to be discussed in body paragraphs
Generally the last sentence of the introduction
Note: The main ideas previewed in the introduction are expanded on in body paragraphs in the same
sequence as in the outline!

The body is made up of may body paragraphs
Each body paragraph focuses on ONE main aspect
It consists of:
A topic sentence that introduces the main idea (No in-text citation!)
Supporting sentences (facts/examples/statistics that elaborate on the main idea; insert in-text citations)
A concluding sentence that wraps up the paragraph (No in-text citation required)

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Science: 400777 leadership for quality safety in health care -
Reference No:- TGS02932893

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