Bias and variability. Figure 3.15 (on page 222) shows histograms of four sampling distributions of statistics intended to estimate the same parameter. Label each distribution relative to the others as high or low bias and as high or low variability.
Opinions of Hispanics. A New York Times News Service article on a poll concerned with the opinions of Hispanics includes this paragraph:
The poll was conducted by telephone from July 13 to 27, with 3,092 adults nationwide, 1,074 of whom described themselves as Hispanic. It has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percent- age points for the entire poll and plus or minus four
Population parameter (a)
Population parameter (b)
Population parameter (c)
Population parameter (d)
FIGURE 3.15 Determine which of these sampling distributions displays high or low bias and high or low variability, for Exercise 3.84.