
32998 - net applications development - develop a simple


This assessment requires you to develop a simple text editor with a basic offline user login. It is a windows application that will allow new uses to be added, existing users to login, and to create/save/edit text documents. The text documents can be either viewed or modified/created based on the user type. This will be a prototype of a text editor which will provide an overview of the basic underlying programming techniques required to create windows applications and text manipulation.

Assignment Objectives

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate competence in the following skills.

- Windows form and controls
- Communication between multiple windows forms
- Using collections/generics
- Enumerators and properties.
- Text file reading and writing

In order to test core C# principles and windows programming skills, the following are required. Any additional functionality should be designed and added as needed.

1. Create appropriate class and methods for handling user login information.
a. User information/details are stored in a text file named "login.txt" in the following format (each value is separated by a comma):
Username, Password, User_Type, First_Name, Last_Name, dd-mm-yyyy(Date-of-birth)

b. Use of appropriate collection/data structure is required for storing the user information from the "login.txt" file.

c. The class should have appropriate variables to:
i. Track the currently logged user and their user type
ii. Accessors for each of the variables.

d. The class should have methods to:
i. Load all users from the "login.txt" file into an appropriate data structure.
ii. Save all users back to "login.txt", when a user logs out of the text editor.
iii. Checking if a user name and password provided by the user is valid.
iv. The type of user describes whether a user is allowed to edit any file. There are two type of users:
- "View": The user can only view any text file. Text editing is disabled in the text editor window.
- "Edit": The user can create/edit any text file.

2. Login Form:
a. This is the first screen displayed when the program is launched
b. All the user information from "login.txt" should be loaded into appropriate data structure/collection.
c. When login button is pressed, the username and password in the textbox are checked with all the available user information. If the login is successful, the text editor form/window is displayed. In case of unsuccessful login, appropriate message is shown using MessageBox() and the login windows remains open.
d. When Exit button is pressed, the application is closed.
e. When New User button is pressed, the New user window/form is displayed and hides the login form.

3. New User Form:
a. A user is allowed to enter the required information.
b. When submit button is pressed, the information is added to the data structure/collection, and all information is saved back into the "login.txt" file.
c. When cancel button is pressed, the Login form is display and hides the New user form.

4. Text Editor Window:
a. Appropriate common dialog boxes should be used to implement the open, save and save as functionality available in the menu strip under File menu and also the respective tool strip buttons.
b. Open menu will allow to select a text file and load all the text from the file into the RichTextBox.
c. Save and Save as, will save all the text line in the RichTextBox into an .rtf file.
d. The Bold, Italic and UnderLine buttons on the top ToolStrip are used change the selected text style to bold, Italic or UnderLine.
e. The ComboBox on the top ToolStrip shows the font size from 8 to 20, and is used to change the size of the selected text in the RichTextBox.
f. The Cut, Copy and Paste buttons on the left ToolStrip and Edit Menu are used to cut/copy/paste selected text in the RichTextBox.
g. The About form should be used to implement the About menu item under Help.

h. On clicking Logout option from the File Menu, the text editor window should close, and the Login window should be displayed.
i. The RichTectBox should be disabled or enabled for editing based on the user type.

5. About Window:
a. Should display appropriate information about your text editor, such as name, version number, etc.
b. On clicking OK button, the About form should close.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

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DOT NET Programming: 32998 - net applications development - develop a simple
Reference No:- TGS02937046

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