
32601 - advanced project management - develop a specific


Select a topic area for discussion (as it relates to project management) from the list below:

- Human side of projects (e.g. stakeholder management, PM skills, teaming, etc.);
- Intangible aspects of project leadership (e.g. social networking, influence management, politics, etc.);
- The future of project management;
- Role of the Project Office;
- Project benefits management, measurement and realisation;
- Project management and culture;
- An aspect of managing complex and/or non-standard projects (e.g. Programs/portfolios, ‘large' projects, virtual projects, global projects, etc.).

You are required to:

1. Develop a specific research question regarding an aspect of the topic selected;

2. Adopt an explicit viewpoint in regard to the formulated question;

3. Advance written arguments to substantiate and support your viewpoint.

As a targeted literature review your initial point of view should be clearly stated at the outset (i.e. in the ‘Introduction' section of your essay) and kept constantly in mind so that all research is directed toward gathering relevant information. The essay should then develop your ideas and reasoning in a logical and coherent manner towards a concise and well supported conclusion. Where appropriate, assumptions/definitions should be clearly stated and explained.

The essay should be 3,000 to 3,500 words of body (i.e. excluding executive summary, table of contents, references, appendices, etc.). Care should be taken to follow the guidelines presented below, particularly with regard to report style and referencing. It is envisaged reports will have at least 15 unique (and reasonably current) references from a variety of quality sources.

Topic and Viewpoint - Research question falls within approved topic areas;
- Research question is clear and specific (i.e. not just open-ended and general);
- A point of view appropriate to the question is explicitly expressed;
- Point of view is reasonable for the topic area and question chosen;
- Report content clearly relates to the research question.

Development of Discussion - Report and topic are well introduced;
- Assumptions/limitations are clearly identified and explained;
- Rationale for choosing the research question is stated and reasonable;
- Discussion is well structured and easy to follow;
- Discussion develops its viewpoint in a logical manner;
- Discussion exhibits reasonable analysis of the research evidence;
- Interpretations exhibit insight and critical thinking;
- Report substantiates its viewpoint - it makes its case;
- Discussion is concise, without undue verbiage and/or digression.
- Conclusions reflect content and appear as natural outcomes of the discussion;

Evidence of Research - Reference list has a minimum of 15 (relatively current) literature sources;
- References drawn from a variety of respected sources (e.g. journal, book, etc.);
- References are in context and used effectively to clarify/support discussion;
- Statistics, quotations and factual data are cited appropriately;
- Method of referencing is internally consistent (e.g. Harvard/UTS format).

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Project Management: 32601 - advanced project management - develop a specific
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