Transportation Engineering Assignment - Major Project - Two Reports
Important: This project is not the one which can be done in few days. Only the group which works consistently and collaboratively right from week 1 will be able to put together a good report.
Students form a group consisting of up 4 members and then choose a subdivision of about 10 ha area for designing. The subdivision chosen must be vacant land which needs to be developed and must be located within Australia. Each group must prepare two reports as detailed below. The reports must give the unit coordinator an appreciation of the knowledge of the topic gained by the student teams, and the research and report writing competencies of the students. All students in the group must make an equal contribution as determined in team meetings. The mark awarded will be for the entire group (who have registered and are included in the cover sheet) and will be taken same for each individual student in the group. If a group member does not contribute equally to the preparation of the report his/ her name must be left out of the report. In such cases, the student whose name is not included in the report will receive zero mark. Once the report is submitted, no amendments to the members contribution or, inclusion or deletion of a particular member in the report will be accepted. It is the individual students responsibility to make sure that their name is included in the report. If the name of a group member is left out, it means that student did not contribute to the report. No further appeals or discussions will be entertained.
All students must enroll into a group in the first week of the session and start their project work right from the first week. At the latest, students must enroll into a group by 12.00 noon Friday, Week 4. Those who fail to enroll into a group by this date and time, will receive a zero (0) mark for their major project. Also, students are advised to choose their group members appropriately, which is the reason for allowing sufficient time to from their group of choice. After the above due date for forming the group, no changes to the group are allowed, even if the group is left with one member. If one or more members leave the group, the remaining members must carry-out the work. Unfortunately, under those circumstances the student(s) remained in the group have to carry-out all the tasks required by the project. It is solely individual student responsibility to join an appropriate group of his or her choice. Unit coordinator will not entertain any issues related to dysfunctional groups.
Report 1 - Project Report
Your mark for Report 1 will be awarded according to the criteria below under each of the project activities (also, refer to the marking criteria table).
1. Location and City Councils planning guidelines:
For the location of the site, you must include:
- Describe the location of the site (site must be located within Australia).
- Identify the local government (City Council) under which the site is located.
- Provide Google Earth map or any other map that identify the site
- Provide latitude and longitude details
For the City Council under which your selected subdivision would belong, you need to provide:
- Brief discussions on LEP and DCP objectives Guidelines or requirements for subdivision development
- Requirements on lot size, local and collector roads and open space requirements
2. Subdivision layout
Under this section, you must include:
- Capture the area using Google Earth and MX Road.
- Draw contours of the site
- Develop the layout with residential, commercial and institutional lots as per the relevant City Councils and other guidelines including the roads.
- Identify cul-de-sac, and local and collector roads, and state their widths.
- Draw all the roads using MX Road or Open Road and show carriage way widths and verges on either sides.
- List the size of each of the lots in a table.
- Lots must be identified on the map using lot numbers.
Draw the subdivision layout to the scale using Microstation or similar CAD program. Number of lots must satisfy developer expectations while complying with the city council guidelines.
3. Traffic volume calculations
Under this section you must include:
- Calculate traffic volume (AADT and hourly peak) for each of the roads
- Calculate design traffic in terms of HVAG, ESA, SAR5, SAR7 and SAR12. Step by step workings of all the calculations must be shown.
4. Written Communication
Mark under this criterion will be decided based on:
- Description of the process on which the group was formed.
- Minutes of the meeting.
- Contributions made from each member.
- Proper English expression, editing and layout.
- Harvard style referencing.
- Professionalism of the engineering report.
- Table of content and list of figures, tables, pictures, abbreviations and appendices (if nay).
- Appropriate numbering of tables, figures, headings and sub-headings.
- Demonstrate good writing skills in terms of presenting only the relevant information in a concise manner.
Rubric includes the kinds of feedback comments you would receive for different grades. Detailed rubric can be found under the assessment criteria and the same will be used while assessing the report. Your mark under each criterion will be determined by the task that is not completed under the lowest standard.
Report 2: Major Project Report
Your mark for Report 2 will be awarded according to the criteria given below under each of the project activities.
1. Pavement design
Must include the following information:
- Subdivision layout
- Tables giving lot numbers and sizes.
- Tables showing road names, AADT and the design traffic in terms of ESA, SAR5, SAR7 and SAR12.
- Design flexible pavement for each of the roads using CIRCLY; document each and every step of the design process.
- All the carriageways and T and cross junctions must be laid out on the drawing using MX Road.
- The carriageway must show the reserved road width for that road.
- All the design drawings must be presented as A3 sized PDF documents.
- Show all long sections on A3 sized PDF document for each of the roads with legible annotations.
- Show cross sections at 100 m intervals for each of the roads with legible annotations
- All long and cross sections must show both the ground and formation levels.
2. Design of intersections
Must include the following information:
- Summary table for each of the intersections, giving the peak hourly traffic flow rate for each of the road meeting at the intersection.
- Use SIDRA Intersections software to calculate the delay time for the intersection.
- Determine the type of the intersection considering level of service required at the intersection.
- Calculate the delay time with the new intersection and check for the LoS.
3. Stormwater drainage design.
Must include the following information:
- Identify the contributing total and sub-catchment areas.
- Identify the stormwater inlet points and the corresponding contributing areas.
- Calculate the amount of stormwater generated for a 1 in 10 year rainfall event.
- Determine the size of the network of stormwater channels required.
- Show the network of stormwater channels on the subdivision layout drawing using Microstation or other equivalent CAD drawing software.
4. Economic assessment
Estimate the overall cost of development of subdivision and the planned outlay of investment. The economic assessment must include:
- Draw mass haul diagram for all the roads and determine overhaul assuming 100 m free haul.
- Determine the bill of quantities of all the items.
- Get the unit prices from Rawlinson Handbook or any other reliable sources.
- Must quote the reference for each of the unit price chosen.
- Work out the planned outlay of the investment.
- Estimate the total present worth cost of the project using a discount rate of 5% and inflation rate of 3%.
Construction of the houses is not the responsibility of the developer, hence house construction must not be included as part of the economic assessment. Assume that the land can be purchased at $1 million per hectare.
5. Environmental assessment.
Must include the following information:
- Describe the current environmental setting in terms of physic-chemical, biological and socio-economic environment, and ecosystem.
- Identify significant environmental impacts.
- Evaluate the impact on the physico-chemical, biological and socioeconomic environment and ecosystem, and construct impact matrix which includes magnitude of impact and importance of impact.
- Construct a Leopold matrix between environmental items and project activities.
- Assign both the magnitude and importance values. Magnitude can vary from 0 to 10. Importance can vary from 0 to 10.
- Both the magnitude and importance values must be assigned to all the project activities, for example, surveying, land clearing, road construction, etc.
- Determine the overall impact score for each of the project activities and for the entire subdivision.
6. Project management and written communication
This marking under this criterion will be based on:
- Gantt charts - Provide two Gantt charts (one for the group work and one for the construction of the subdivision).
- Describe how the tasks are distributed and the group managed; include minutes of the meetings and other evidences.
- Proper English expression, editing and layout Harvard style referencing
- Professionalism of Engineering Report
- Table of content and list of figures and tables
- Appropriate numbering of tables, figures, headings and sub-heading
Marking criteria provided under the next section includes the kinds of feedback comments you would receive for different grades for Report 2. Your mark under each criterion will be determined by the task that is not completed under the lowest standard.
Attachment:- Assignment File.rar