Design Brief

Figure 1: Floor plan of building frame
Design Brief
Figure 1 represents the floor plan of an office building to be constructed in the Central Business District of Sydney. The building is to be eight storeys in height with each level being used as an office and with one levels of car park below the street level. Your team is assigned to design all the columns below both the level 1 and the street level, the floor slab, the primary and secondary beams including a transfer beam so that one column is terminated at the level above the street as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Elevation of building frame
Typical floor to floor height = 4 m
Design Information and Requirements
- Beam concrete compressive strength, f'c = 32 MPa (You are allowed to increase f'c if needed)
- Reinforcing steel strength, fy = 500 MPa (Use N Class bar)
- Slab live load = 3.0 kPa (Imposed load)
- Superimposed dead load = 1.0 kPa (Provision for partitions)
- Concrete density = 24 kN/m3
- Columns are 500 mm x 500 mm
- Beam widths are fixed at 500 mm
- Maximum beam depths should not exceed 1000 mm
- Slab depth is 200 mm
- Reinforced concrete service core is 500 mm in wall thickness
- Concrete slabs are supposed to be built monolithically with the supporting beams therefore the beams have to be designed as L or T-beams
- All the outer beams have to be designed as continuous beams
- All the calculations have to be presented in the report
- Report submitted has to be the original copy (No scanned copy allowed)
Part 1: Load Combinations:
a) Determine the load combinations for the permanent, imposed and superimposed loads using AS/NZS 1170.0 and 1170.1 (2002).
b) Determine the required design actions such as M*, V* and N* for slab, column and beam designs for both serviceability and strength limit states.
c) Provide the required bending moment, shear and axial force diagrams for the beams, slabs and columns using the software package such as Microstran or other forms of calculation.
Please take notes that wind loads will be resisted by the service and lift core of the structure which is subcontracted out. (Not required to design by your team)
Part 2: Analysis and Design:
Design all the required members such as the floor slabs, columns and beams and provide adequate drawings or sketches showing elevations and cross-sections for the each members.
a) Floor slabs
b) Columns
c) Primary and secondary beams
d) Detailing, report presentation and group management
Additional Information
All design and detailing is to be in accordance with AS 3600 (2009).
All loads are to be determined using AS/NZS 1170.0 and 1170.1 (2002).
Presentation of the Assignment
It should be legible and logically arranged. A typical presentation would contain, in order: a title page including names of structural engineers involved in the design, detailing of structural elements in applicable sections, supporting calculations in each section, and appendices containing any appropriate technical information.
Typing is not required or necessary but neatness and clear presentation is important. All material should be securely bound into an A4 sized booklet. Where A3 sized drawings have been used, they should be folded down to A4 size with appropriate title blocks in the bottom right hand corners facing up.
You are required to prepare and submit a group assignment showing independence in design. Your submitted design should contain no evidence of copying as this is against University Rules relating to Academic Misconduct.