
3 year leadership development plan for myself it should be

Leadership development plan and report:

3 year leadership development plan for myself. (It should be based on reflection of current leadership practices and identify actions to be taken to enhance future leadership practices.)

IT SHOULD INCLUDE:1. An abstract: 250 words

2. Body of the report:

A) The introduction should provide background information about your/ my STRENGTHS AND IMPROVEMENT AREAS, LEADERSHIP NEEDS INCLUDING HOW THESE WERE ASSESSED AND WHEN. (EG. if you are writing a plan for leading social innovation, provide information on what the social problem is, what is its scope/ context globally, what benefits are likely to occur if you find solution and what challenges do you foresee)

B) Develop a current and future development plan including:a. explain your overall future leadership goals and how the development plan aims to fulfill these goals(FOCUS SHOULD BE ON DEVELOPMENT AND NOT TRAINING)

B.analyse current/ emerging theoretical views and industry trends on leadership practice relating to your leadership (PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR PLAN MUST REFLECT "FUTURE" LEADERSHIP PRACTICES INCLUDING LEADERSHIP OF DIVERSITY THAT LINKS WITH YOUR GOALS)

C.EVALUATE CURRENT LEADERSHIP development trends as they relate to your leadership goals (consider how other organisations are pursuing leadership development including leadership of diversity)

d. make recommendations on your future relevant leadership development opportunities linked to your leadership goals including potential exposure to global opportunities? (be specific and IDENTIFY WHO WOULD ASSIST YOU WITH THE LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT EG. COACHES, MENTORS, PROGRAMS, INSTRUCTORS. IDENTIFY HOW YOUR ORGANIZATION AND THE MANAGER/ FAMILY MIGHT SUPPORT THE PLAN

3. References: minimum 10 recent academic sources

4. Appendicesa. an outline of how many years your plan covers (3 years)b. Step-by-step guide of detailed action planc. step-by-step guide to monitoring, evaluation and measurement of results: how (and how often) would you continue to track the performance and ensure effective implementation of the plan? How would you continue to evaluate you leadership capabilities?

Report: 1500 words

Reflect on the following questions when considering your own leadership development:

1. What are moral abilities?

2. How does one learn to care about the impact of one's behaviour on others?

3. How does one determine what is morally right or wrong?

4. How does one resolve competing values, like job security and whistle-blowing?

5. How does one commit to following through on ethical decisions?

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Business Management: 3 year leadership development plan for myself it should be
Reference No:- TGS02889920

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