Author Introduction : Provides background of author, i.e. provides credentials (education, experience) of this author and his/her role in forensic science
Author and Forensic Science : Describe how the author ended up writing this book or got into this field(references should follow this)
Terminology Significance : Describes the significance of these words to our class studies and objectives
Technology and Equipment List : List of those found with your notes. Additional information will be needed in your notes to answer in-class questions.(references should follow this)
Teamwork : Significance of team work in general
Example from book with 3 or more jobs
Trace Evidence Significance : Describe the significance of trace evidence in general
Case example from book used to illustrate the significance
Forensic Experts : 3 well-known forensic experts discussed in the book or within this field and their forensic significance(references for each follow the question)
Course Objectives : 5 course objectives and examples of how the book met the objective. Be specific.
Terminology List : Highlighted words in the notes or a list within the notes
Specific Chapter Case:
a. Chose the statement that best describes the last chapter in which a case or cases were discussed
b. Accurately describe details of the chapter beyond
Evidence : 2 pieces of Physical Evidence and what was or could be FORENSICALLY done with it to solve a case.
Forensic Techniques or Equipment/ Technology : How it's used, performed, or works. Give the forensic significance of each. What research information was gathered? Write the references after this question
Enhancing Forensic Knowledge/Limitations : 4 forensic points that enhanced your understanding or that you learned new from the book. At least one should deal with limitations or ethical responsibilities.
Attachment:- Instructions-Book Quest.rar