3 10 points assume that you have been presented

3. (10 points) Assume that you have been presented with the following relation for the Baxter Aviation database:

Charters (Pilot#, Pilot name, Aircraft ID#, #seats, Village, Flight#, Flight date, Flight time, Customer#, Customer name)

(a) How many entities are represented by this relation?

(b) What is the primary key of this relation? (Hint: Flight# is unique; flight numbers do not repeat as they do on commercial airlines with regularly scheduled flights. Each flight can go to many villages and over time a village can receive many flights.)

(c) Give a specific example of one insertion anomaly present in this relation.

(d) Give a specific example of one deletion anomaly present in this relation.

(e) Is this relation in first, second, or third normal form? Why?

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Database Management System: 3 10 points assume that you have been presented
Reference No:- TGS0357652

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