2D graphics, instead of text, to display the Xs and Os in the grids of the square- shaped buttons decision logic or recursion in order to determine whether or not a player wins the games. Use 2D graphics, instead of text, to display the Xs and Os in the grids of the square- shaped buttons.
Use either decision logic or recursion in order to determine whether or not a player wins the game. That is, every time the player draws an X or O on the board, the program checks all possible combinations in order to see if the player wins the game. Note: There are a total of eight (8) possibilities to win the game. Your program should check each possibility for the player. The eight (8) possibilities are:
- 3 across in the first row
- 3 across in the second row
- 3 across in the third row
- 3 vertical in the first column
- 3 vertical in the second column
- 3 vertical in the third column
- 3 diagonal like a backslash
- 3 diagonal like a forward slash
- Display a message which announces whether or not the player has won the game.
- Include a sound effect that plays to declare a winner.
- Reset the game once the player has won.