2a)When the piston on the double-acting cylinder is retracted (completes the instroke), the piston activates the roller control the left side of the 5/3 pilot valve, releasing air at the top left of the 5/3 and causing the piston to outstroke. Air in front of the piston rod is pushed out the rod. This exhaust air can be used to control the speed of the outstroke by the unidirectional-flow control valve. The air output from the five-port valve activates when the piston is fully extended, it operates the plunger, causing the plunger spring return valve to send out a signal. The air released by the plunger spring return valve activates the right side of the 5/3 pilot valve. This signal causes air to be released from the top right of the 5/3 causing the piston to retract, or go negative. When the piston on the double acting cylinder is retracted (completes the instroke), the piston operates the roller-trip control and the cycle is then repeated. This same cycle takes place in other cylinder also.
b)The electrical relay diagram is shown below.
Here, the first rung represents the activation of the 5 port, 3 position valve1 which is repre
Here, the first rung represents the activation of the 5 port, 3 position valve1 which is represented activate the 5 port, 3 position valve 1 for pneumatic ram 1. In the third rung, the activation of the 5 port, 3 position valve2 which is represented a activate the 5 port, 3 position valve 2 for pneumatic ram 2. At the bottom rung, the activation of double acting ram when both the valves are activated is drawn.
3a)Look for patterns in the Karnaugh map.

Write the simplified Boolean equation using the patterns.

Convert the Boolean equation into ladder logic.

b)Given Truth table:

Draw the Karnaugh map based on the Truth table

Look for patterns in the Karnaugh map.

Let the states be designated as follows: