
25556 the financial system autumn - what are your thoughts

Select the option 1 please and please make it to the point according to australia. minimum 4 references please, and havard style referencing.

WRITTEN REFLECTION Option 1 -Housing Bubble in Australia?

The Australian housing market has experienced a sustained period of high growth for the past decade. For example, the prices of housing have grown by 77% since 2009. What are your thoughts on the growth of house prices in Australia? Are the recent trend in house pricesconsistent with an efficient market? Or is Australia in the midst of a housing bubble that can jeopardise the stability of the financial system/economy?

Your written reflection will need to include a discussion of key issues and facts on the recent trendsof housing prices in Australia; an example from your own personal experience; and your own personal thoughts on the recent growth inhouse prices.Are house prices efficient? Or is Australia experiencing a housing bubble?

Some useful references are:

- "14 charts that show why people are worried about Australia's property market"(https://www.businessinsider.com.au/14-thought-provoking-charts-that-tell-the-story-of-australias-record-breaking-property-rally-2015-11#1)

- "The housing bubble explained" (https://www.domain.com.au/news/the-housing-bubble-explained-20150606-ghha4m/)

- Articles written in newspapers business journal or internet sources.

WRITTEN REFLECTION Option 2 - Topic of your own choice

If you decide on option 2, you have the opportunity to write on a topic of your own choice. The written reflection must be related to a topic covered in The Financial System. Provide a brief discussion on your own personal experience and your thoughts on the subject that you chose for your reflection.

Your written reflection should include a discussion of key issues and facts on the topic of your choice. Provide an example from your own personal experience or industry; and your own personal thoughts. Some useful references are:

Useful references:
- Articles written in newspapers, business journal or internet sources.

Requirements for the written reflections

A written reflection is where you write your own thoughts or opinions on a topic that you are given to research. It can reflect how your views developed, changed or are supported by the research that you have undertaken. It is not simply a description of topic being covered.

1. Word limit - The maximum number of words for each written reflection is 600 words. This includes words used in footnotes/endnotes, on graphs or in tables but not in the reference list. Material cannot be included in appendices.

2. Layout - To be printed single-sided on A4 paper with 12-pont font and 1.5 line spacing. The Written Reflection cover sheet must be attached to the front of each written reflection. This cover sheet can be downloaded from UTS Online. You must sign the cover sheet otherwise it will not be marked.

3. The written reflection may be submitted in your tutorial on Monday 23rd May 2016or in the box marked "Finance 6" in the student lounge on level 5 in Building 8 (in front of the blue pods) by 9pm on Monday 23rd May 2016.

4. Please note that if you chose option 2, you must attach the primary source of your reflection in your submission.

5. References - At least two (2) references other than the lecture notes must be used when writing up each written reflection. Your reference list must be attached to the back of the written reflection with references listed in alphabetical order of the first author's surnames. For details on referencing you can use the Faculty of Business (2014) Guide to Writing Assignments which can be downloaded from the following link:


6. Your assignment must also be submitted through UTSOnline via the Assignment facility.

This submission goes through to Turnitin, a plagiarism detection software package. Please note that you are required to submit your assignment once only to Turnitin.

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Financial Management: 25556 the financial system autumn - what are your thoughts
Reference No:- TGS01402346

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