250374rr - psychology the science of the mind - in the

Questions 1 to 20: Select the best answer to each question.

1. Which of the following statements regarding processing is true?
A. Bottom-up processing allows us to fill in the gaps in an incomplete or ambiguous pattern.
B. Bottom-up processing is guided by experience, expectations, and motivations.
C. Top-down processing allows us to fill in the gaps in an incomplete or ambiguous pattern.
D. Top-down processing is a process of recognizing and processing components of a pattern.

2. Dr. Lombard's research is focused on the capacity of the human mind to store and retrieve information. Her colleague, Dr. Fry, is a clinician who strives to help his clients be "the best that they can be." As a fly on the wall listening to the two psychologists' friendly disputes during coffee breaks, which of these assertions would you most likely expect from Dr. Fry?
A. Mental confusion is best compared to a deficiency in short-term memory.
B. A person's basic assumptions about themselves are inevitably false.
C. If biology is destiny the concept of free will can be only an illusion.
D. People can't be held responsible for their life choices.

3. Which of these statements most accurately characterizes linear perspective?
A. Through experience, we determine that changes in images focused on the retina occur as a result of the motion of our bodies.
B. Having learned that distant objects tend to be closer together, we interpret a two-dimensional image on the retina in three dimensions.
C. We learn to compensate for the monocular disparity between the retinal images of the left and right eye.
D. As we view a landscape, the relative sizes of objects are revealed by texture gradient cues.

4. Regarding the association areas of the cerebral cortex, which of the following statements is most accurate?
A. Association areas are to thinking as neuroplasticity is to language.
B. Most association areas are located in the left cerebral hemisphere.
C. The association areas are largely responsible for neurogenesis.
D. Changes in personality may indicate damage to the association areas.

5. Rods are to light intensity as cones are to
A. color perception.
B. the iris.
C. the optic nerve.

D. the retina.

6. By means of introspection, Dr. Marsh attempts to determine the components of things like perception, thinking, and consciousness. By contrast, Dr. Smyth wants to understand what the mind does in producing different kinds of behavior. We can reasonably assume that Dr. Marsh's research is mainly guided by the principles of
A. functionalism.
B. structuralism.
C. Gestalt psychology.
D. objectivism.

7. A clinical experiment is designed in such a way that neither the researchers dispensing a treatment nor the persons in the experimental or control groups know if they're getting a sugar pill or a new drug. This sort of experimental design is employing a/an procedure.
A. placebo
B. double-blind
C. reverse psychology
D. experimenter expectations

8. A reflex, like automatically removing your hand from a hot stove, involves pain messages sent to the spinal cord by way of neurons, while the movement of your hand is controlled by
A. sensory; motor
B. motor; sensory
C. somatic; sympathetic
D. somatic; sensory

9. Which of the following statements regarding taste and smell is true?
A. People often have a very short memory of smells.
B. Taste buds wear out and are replaced about every 25 days.
C. Women tend to have a better sense of smell than men.
D. So-called supertasters may be inclined to obesity.

10. You could locate receptor sites involved in transmitting a nerve impulse by finding the
A. endorphins.
B. neural regulators.
C. myelin.
D. synapse.

11. I study a sample of 100 high school students and fmd that student IQ scores increase significantly as the level of reported parental income increases. I can conclude from this that
A. there's a positive correlation between parental income and children's IQ scores.
B. there's a negative relationship between parental income and children's IQ scores.
C. higher parental income causes an increase in children's IQ scores.

D. students get smarter when their parents earn more money.

12. Among the advanced technologies used to study the brain's structure and functions, which one provides detailed three-dimensional images of the brain's structures and activities?
A. Positron emission tomography
B. Transcranial magnetic stimulation
C. Electroencephalogram
D. Functional magnetic resonance imaging

13. In his research, Dr. Caulfield wants to compare levels of test anxiety among high school students in grades 10 and 12. His hypothesis is that seniors will have higher levels of test anxiety than sophomores will. His definition of test anxiety for each person in his sample will be a self-reported test-anxiety level, marked in a questionnaire as "high," "moderate," or "low."
A. operational
B. theoretical
C. functional
D. subjective

14. In the autonomic division of the nervous system, preparing the body for action under conditions of stress is to the sympathetic division as pupil dilation and inhibited digestive processes are to the division.

A. peripatetic
B. peripheral-autonomous
C. peripheral-somatic
D. sympathetic

15. Within the cerebral cortex, the
A. association
B. visual
C. main auditory
D. somatosensory

16. Among his oil-field buddies, Conrad was known as a cheerfully profane hard drinker who was seldom averse to a barroom scrap. But, after he suffered a head injury in a car accident he returned to work as a docile, timid man who could no longer deal with the violent activity of a drill rig platform. His physicians determined that damage to his was the likely cause of his changed behavior.
A. cerebellum
B. thalamus
C. amygdala
D. hippocampus

17. Dr. Jones is interested in how human behavior may be genetically inherited from remote ancestors, such as chimpanzees. Her field of interest is
A. behavioral genetics.

B. chemical psychobiology.
C. evolutionary psychology.
D. clinical neuropsychology.

18. In the ear, the basilar membrane and hair cells are found in the
A. oval window.
B. cochlea.
C. auditory nerve.
D. anvil and stirrup.

19. Under Weber's law, we'll notice a stimulus difference such that it will be a constant proportion of the intensity of the initial stimulus. Thus, for weight, we'll notice a one-ounce difference in a weight of 50 ounces. Weber's law applies most directly to the concept of
A. sensory adaptation.
B. difference threshold.
C. perceived stimulus.
D. absolute threshold.

20. Agatha maintains that people are capable of freely making voluntary choices. Constance is mainly focused on how aggression is caused by genetic inheritance. It seems reasonable to assume that Constance is not much interested in environmental factors impacting behavior while Agatha rejects
A. introspection.
B. mental processes.
C. heredity.
D. determinism.

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