
21129 managing people and organisations - evaluate the

Subject description

This subject introduces students to the fundamentals of management and organisational behaviour in the context of today's contemporary global business environment. It examines the major theories and models in areas of communication, group dynamics, individual behaviour and motivation, decision-making, leadership, power and politics, and ethics and social responsibility. It places particular emphasis on the application of theory to dilemmas and issues likely to confront managers today and in the future.

Subject learning objectives (SLOs)

Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to:

1. apply critical and analytical thinking, including a capacity to question existing practices and assumptions, to the study of management and organisations

2. evaluate the theoretical foundations of the fields of management and organisational studies; contextualise contemporary managerial practices in the light of this theory

3. explore management and organisational problems and issues relevant to organisations operating in a global and diverse workplace

4. appraise the politics and ethics of managerial and employee behaviour in organisations.

Contribution to the development of graduate attributes

This subject contributes to the development of the following graduate attributes: Business knowledge and concepts

Communication and interpersonal skills

Attitudes and values

Business practice oriented skills

This introduction to management is designed to develop in students an understanding of the fundamental principles of management and organisational behaviour in a complex and rapidly changing business environment. The subject contributes to the aims of the Bachelor of Business through its focus on a wide range of critical concepts and issues concerning the management of people across a variety of organisational settings. This subject develops skills linked to the Faculty's graduate attributes that look at developing attitudes and values as well as communication skills.

This subject also contributes to introducing the following program learning objectives for the Bachelor of Business.

1. Critically analyse relevant concepts to understand practice in business and related professions in a global workplace

2. Critically analyse business decisions in terms of ethical practice and social responsibility

3. Apply technical and professional skills necessary to operative effectively in business and related professions
It also contributes to developing the following program learning objective for the Bachelor of Business:

4. convey information clearly and fluently in high quality written form appropriate for their audience

This subject contributes to introducing the following program learning objectives for the Bachelor of Management.

access and analyse relevant management knowledge and concepts to understand management practice in a global workplace
apply relevant management knowledge and concepts to decision-making in professional practice

3.1 convey information clearly and fluently in high quality written form appropriate for their audience

4.1 critically analyse managerial decisions in terms of ethical practice and social responsibility

Teaching and learning strategies

This subject is delivered through a blend of flipped online and active face-to-face learning strategies. Lectures involve face-to-face content delivery, employing the use of media and electronic resources to enhance the theoretical delivery of the subject. An intensive tutorial program utilises case studies and experiential exercises to link theory and application where students receive ongoing in-class feedback both from tutors and peers, including the possibility for feedback on draft assignments prior to submission in week 7. Group leadership and team skills are developed in class through peer learning activities. Students are further supported through the use of UTS Online offering subject material and information and moderation with the subject coordinator.

Content (topics)

Studying Management and Organisation 'Critically' Power and Politics

Individuals and Leadership Management and Culture Organisational Change and Resistance Ethics and the Law

Management Rationality GlobalisationAssessment task 2: Essay (Individual)

Intent: This assessment contributes to the development of the following PLO:

3.1 convey information clearly and fluently in high quality written form appropriate for their audience

Objective(s): This addresses subject learning objective(s): 1, 2, 3 and 4

Task: Your assignment will build upon the argument developed in your group presentation and will consist of two parts: (1) your essay and (2) a response to your tutor's feedback from your group presentation and summary.

Part 1: Essay
Write an academic essay of 1500 words (+/-10%) in which you further develop the arguments of your group presentation by applying them within the context of one of the following topics from the second half of the semester:
- Managing sustainably: Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Globalisation
- Managing communication
- Managing knowledge, innovation and change (you will require permission from your tutor to write on this topic as there will be too little time between the lecture and essay submission due date).

Discuss the following statement:
Practices of [your chosen topic area from your group presentation] contribute to managing [your chosen topic area from essay two] with the advance of post-bureaucratic approaches.

Your essay will start with a 200 (+/- 10%) word introduction presenting your overall topic, take a position and explain how you plan to use your selected references to demonstrate your overall argument, providing an overview of the structure of the entire essay.

(1100 words +/- 10%)

In the body of the essay, you are to present the structure of your argument in different paragraphs. Each paragraph should present one main idea of your argument but be linked to the preceding and following paragraphs with appropriate transitions. Discuss new insights/practices that have emerged and the underlying assumptions of these insights/practices. Compare and contrast the arguments and assumptions embedded in your different source materials (i.e. managerialism vs. Critical Management Studies or stakeholder perspectives). Approach the topic from different perspectives; whose voices are dominant or missing, what are the implications and what are the new emerging questions?

Finish your essay with a 200 (+/- 10%) word conclusion summarising your overall argument and explaining how your references have contributed to your position.

Select at least six sources from the tutorial readings and prescribed additional readings listed in your Tutorial Guide. Supplement your argument with at least two references from other relevant quality journal articles. Illustrate your arguments by cases from the lectures or relevant reports from reputable media outlets as secondary sources. You may also draw material from the recommended textbook by Clegg, Kornberger and Pitsis (2016). Provide a complete reference list at the end of your essay.

Part 2: Reflective response to Tutor's Feedback from Assignment 1.

Your second task is to write a response, in approximately 200 words (+/-10%), to the feedback your tutor provided for your group presentation. You may want to break your response down into chunks by providing section headings. Explain, how you have used this feedback to improve the argument and presentation of your essay. Part two should be presented on a new page after the reference list from your essay.

Double-space your text and use 2.54-centimetre wide margins. The text should be in a 12-point Times New Roman font and left-justified. Pages should be numbered, with the numbers appearing in the bottom right-hand corner of the pages.

Length: 1700 words (1500 word essay and 200 word reflection)

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Business Management: 21129 managing people and organisations - evaluate the
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