
21 what has allowed some countries to be so highly

Quiz - Development and Inequality Instructor: DePhillips
Course: SOC 110

Please fill in the blank with the best key word from either class material or the textbook.

1. Means that a country is poor economically with low health and education outcomes, but it should be much more advanced than it is if not for poor leadership and destructive foreign intervention like colonialism and imperialism.

2. The was a massive network of trade and commerce that extends from China through India and the Middle East all the way to the Mediterranean region.

3. is different from piracy because it is targeted at rival or enemy countries, but still involves the theft and seizure of property and wealth from other countries' trading ships.

4. As steam power remodeled the manufacturing process, societies around the world went through a major social transformation known as the .

5. History shows that the countries that are best able to develop and achieve social and economic progress are also the ones that are able to develop and advance their using policies counter to the free market philosophy.

6. According to Ha-JoonChang, once countries have achieved economic development, they force developing countries to adopt counter-productive policies in a process known as , which ensures that global inequality persists or worsens.

7. refers to how much a certain industry or economic sector is able to generate revenue over and above the costs of production, making thatsector more or less desirable for countries to focus on in their development strategies.

8. When an imperial power invades another country and establishes a colonial system of administration, this is an example of imperialism.

9. When an imperial power is able to subvert a country's autonomy through foreign debt, international trade, unfair treaties, and other forms of external pressure, this is an exampleof imperialism.

10. The social class that consists of people who own much of the wealth and productive capacity of the country, whose income is extremely high, is known as the class.

11. The social class that consists of people who are very poor, with low levels of education and unstable employment, is known as the class.

12. The social class that consists of people who make up many of the wage labor and blue-collar positions in manufacturing and the services, whose education often does not include any college and whose income is below average, is known as the class.

13. The social class that consists of people who make up the professions and management positions, whose education levels are very high and whose income is above average, is known as the class.

14. This type of social mobility, which involves movement across the social class ladder that is not due to the actions and choices of individuals but to changes in the economy and society, is known as mobility.

15. This type of social mobility, which involves the movement of children-when they become adults-across the social class ladder relative to the class position of their parents, is known as mobility.

16. This type of social mobility, which involves just as much movement up the social class ladder as it does down it, creating a system of social equilibrium, is known as mobility.

17. When people are unable to satisfy their basic necessities that everyone needs for survival, such as food, shelter, and sanitation, this is a state known as poverty.

18. When people are unable to satisfy the basic necessities required of someone living in a particular country at a particular point in history, such as having access to high-speed internet and WiFi today in the U.S., this is a state known as poverty.

19. The belief that only those who are the most intelligent, skilled, and capable people are able to rise up the social class ladder is known as the .

20. True/False. The US today has stronger economic growth, greater worker security, better financial stability, and lower inequality than it did in the 1950s and 60s:

Written response (answer each with a paragraph):

21. What has allowed some countries to be so highly developed today, while other countries are very underdeveloped?

22. As seen in the documentary Inside Job, what social forces led to the financial crisis of 2008?

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