
201630 hrm502 additional assessment essay critically

Additional Assessment Essay-

Critically evaluate the proposition that formal performance appraisal systems should be abandoned by organizations.

This essay task asks you to consider current professional literature on the efficacy of formal performance appraisal systems in the context of the purposes, processes and benefits of such systems as found in academic literature. The recent professional literature has been heavily critical of the claimed benefits of formal performance appraisal. Is this a fair criticism and what risks do the proposed alternatives carry. Recommendations should be included that address the arguments made in the professional literature.

To help you get started, visit this link to a recent industry article.


At least 10 academic sources and 5 recent (within the last 5 years) professional sources must be used.

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HR Management: 201630 hrm502 additional assessment essay critically
Reference No:- TGS01554494

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