
2 write a complete 1-paragraph summary of the article be

Please Make sure you follow all the 10 Points instruction.

(1) Read the article provided.

(2) Write a complete 1-paragraph summary of the article. Be sure to include all of the main ideas, but no unnecessary details or added information. USE YOUR OWN WORDS AND REPORTING PHRASES - Remind the reader these are not your ideas, only your words.

a. The first sentence of the summary should contain:
- the central idea of the article
- the title, date, publication, and author of the article.
- a reporting verb or phrase
This is your "hook"

b. Your summary should contain:
-the same order as the original
-reporting words and phrases
-only the author's ideas - no responses or interpretation
-all main ideas from the original
This is the background for your essay

(3) Your thesis statement is the last sentence of your summary following a transition. It expresses the controlling idea of your response: your overall reaction to the article. Write your thesis in a way that clearly indicates that you are introducing your own ideas. (Use "I")

(4) Follow this with a 2-page response. Your response should be 3 paragraphs and use a variety of responding techniques. Each paragraph should address one point which supports your thesis. Try to connect ideas between paragraphs using transitions and bridges. Consider a logical order. Make sure each paragraph connects to the article.

Consider the following response techniques:

- analyzing arguments in the article
- commenting on the article's usefulness
- agreeing or disagreeing (partially or fully) with ideas in the article
- applying ideas in the article to other ideas, themes or observation
- connecting ideas or themes in the article to personal experience
- critiquing reporting methods, study methods, or claims in the article
- assessing the presence of bias in the article

Your response paragraphs need good organization.

(5) Use one or two quotes or paraphrases from the original in your response.

(6) Use one or two quotes or paraphrases from an outside source.

(7) Use five vocabulary words: The words from the article

(8) Write a conclusion which restates your thesis, summarizes your main points and makes a final comment regarding the topic.

(9) Provide a title for your essay which indicates your central claim or standpoint on the article.

(10) Target Length: 3-3 ½ pages

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Dissertation: 2 write a complete 1-paragraph summary of the article be
Reference No:- TGS01412510

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