
2 by submitting this assignment and cover sheet


1. A signed copy of the Individual Assignment Cover Sheet must accompany this submission for assessment.
2. By submitting this assignment and cover sheet electronically, in whatever form, you are deemed to have made the declaration set out on the above form.
3. This is an individual project assignment.
4. Make sure you have a backup copy of the files created in this assignment.


1. You are able to work together in a group situation for the purposes of researching and discussing recruitment and selection options.
2. Each student is to write and submit an individual document based on questions under the task.
3. The assignment must be word processed in a formal writing style and format
4. All documentation must be produced to a ‘business standard'. A business standard is under ‘conditions that demand performance equivalent to that required in the real-life context.'
5. This project is to be submitted as a soft copy (i.e. computer file DOC/PDF file) via email or USB to your tutor.
6. No extensions will be granted for this assignment due to a USB drive ‘being damaged' or' lost'.

Assessment method
As this is an individual project it will be marked on an individual basis against a prepared Tutor Marking Criteria matrix. The mark awarded for the successful completion of the assessment will be the mark awarded to each individual.

MFH International 630 Leadership Page 3 of 10

The Task:

In the group assignment you were given the opportunity to lead your team for one section of the assignment in order to create a high-quality report and presentation. We hope that you made the most of this opportunity and found this experience valuable and interesting. Of course, nobody is perfect and even top leaders and CEOs constantly strive to learn more and to lead more effectively.

This assessment is asking you to prepare one document. The document will contain three sections. The first section is asking you to evaluate leadership skills. You will first evaluate a leadership role model you have chosen. Then you will evaluate your own leadership
skills and then benchmark yourself against your role model on three key leadership skills.

The second section deals with creating a leadership development plan (LDP). You will identify opportunities and strategies to improve your leadership, set goals to achieve and also identify the resources you will need to make progress on these

The third section requires you to draw on your learning about Change Management to overcome likely barriers to the implementation of your LDP.

Why an individual assignment?

Individual assignments help you to:
• create something totally of your own, for personal use and/or to demonstrate your individual talents
• concentrate on developing and trying out your ideas
• develop your own writing 'voice'
• work at your own pace
• make your own decisions (structure, content, time management, prioritising)
• explore related ideas that interest you

Keep in mind that self-evaluations such as this need to be honest to be most useful. Your work will be treated in the strictest confidence by your tutor. Although this assignment is given to you as part of your assessment for this 630 Leadership paper, it is equally for your own continuing use and selfdevelopment.

With reference to the Social Identity Theory of leadership, consider a leader you know of and admire as an excellent leader. This can be someone living or dead; however, avoid long-dead leaders, as it is more probable that their leadership style would not suit the modern era.

a) Research this person:
Provide some background information about the person herself/himself:
i. The full name of the person is (known as - if applicable):
ii. S/he is/was from (country, city, organisation - as applicable):
iii. S/he is/was born (date - approximate, if unknown):
iv. S/he is/was a leader for (which organisation, where):
v. S/he is/was famous for (please be as specific as possible here):
(Remember to correctly reference all sources you use.)

b) Drawing on your own research:
i. With reference to Social Identity theory, explain three (3) key skills/competences you believe made your chosen leader effective (see Appendix for a list of leadership skills).
ii. You should relate two (2) situations that you believe clearly demonstrate that person's leadership.
iii. Include an explanation of the cultural context in which s/he is/was leading and the ways this is similar or different with your cultural situation at present.

(Remember to correctly reference all sources you use.)

c) Think carefully about your experience of leading your group. You will use a job interview tool ("S.T.A.R.T.") to evaluate how well you used the Social Identity theory of leadership. (ie. How well you, as leader, altered your behaviours according to situational factors and to the evolving needs and expectations of your followers.)

Think of three (3) situations or moments where you were leading your team. For each:
i. SITUATION: Briefly describe the situation/moment.
ii. TASK: What were you trying to achieve?
iii. ACTION: How did you act in that situation?
iv. RESULT: How effective you believe your leadership was in each situation?
v. THINKING: Reflecting on your actions and effectiveness, what could you have done in each situation to improve the effectiveness of your leadership? (For ideas on what to improve, you may want to refer to Social Identity theory of leadership.)

d) 'Benchmark' yourself against your chosen role model:
Benchmarking is a method of comparing how well you do something at present as compared with an excellent role model. It is commonly used for improving functions and processes within a company, but here you are going to use it to improve

i. Using the three skills/competences from (b)(i) above, create a simple table (below; 3 columns and 4 rows). Evaluate your role model's strengths (out of 5; this is your 'benchmark score'). Then give yourself an honest rating for how
you compare at present (out of 5).


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Management Theories: 2 by submitting this assignment and cover sheet
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