
1why accroding to camuss the myth of sisyphus is suicide a

1.Why accroding to Camus's the myth of Sisyphus is suicide a serious philosophical problem, as pend to being merely a medical problem?

2.Granting the promise that life has not meaning, what argument is valid,would warrant to suicide?

3.Life might be"meaningless" in two different ways,explain.-no cause of purpose/not worth meaning

4.Explain why nsuicide seems warranted by the meaninglessness of life if it is understood in one way out, not if it is understood in another.

5.What is the absurd, according to Cmus' the myth of Sisyphus and why is it wrong to infer from it that suicide is warranted?

6.What is the proper response towered the absurd, according to Cmus'the myth of Sisyphus?

7.Camus can not convince that a skeptical metaphysics can b e joined to ethic of renunciation.what does he mean by that and why does he think so?

8.Does it follow from the proportion that there is no cosmic purpose that all value is "subjective" it, that all value is created by us. By our belief or choice, why or why not?

9.Something could have value, even no one want it or no one got it is value,so answer is false.

10.What accroding to Nagel's Brith,Death and meaning of life, is the problem of the meaning of life?

11.The sense of the absurd result from inxtaposing two things, accroding to Nagel's Brith,Death and meaning of life,explain.12.Nagel Identifies a conflict between the value that our lives appear to have from the objective point of view and the value they appear to 13.have fro the subjective don't view,what is this confirm and what three solutions?14.Why does Nagel find unsatisfying the response that it not a genuine problem?

15.Why ose Nagel find unsatisfying the solution that we see our lives as being only as important as they appear to be from the objective of view?

16.Why does Nagel find unsatisfying the solution that we see our lives have as having as much importance from the objective point of view as they seem to have from the subjective point of view?

17.What two objective fact about our birth are hard to reconcile with the way we experience the world, according to Nagle?

18.How, according to Nagel, can aesthetic contemplation or enjoyment of objects of beauty function as a temporary solution to this absurdity?

19.Some might think that the meaning of life is a problem only if there is no God. Why might someone else think it is a problem even if god exist and he created the universe with a purpose

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