1. Which slope is more significant when I am predicting the selling price of homes based on the size of the home?
A. $64 per square foot
B. $0.44 per square inch
C. They are both equally significant.
2. How closely is the height of an individual related to the weight? Partial regression output for a sample of 92 individuals is below.
The slope of the regression equation is
A. -204.74.
B. 5.0918.
C. 12.02.
3. How closely is the height of an individual related to the weight? Partial regression output for a sample of 92 individuals is below.
R-sq tells us that
A. 61.6% of the variability in Weight was explained by the model.
B. 61.6% of the variability in Weight has been eliminated.
C. 61.6% is not a strong relationship.