
1refer to the description of the project if necessary

If you recall from the beginning of this course, the basic goal of this course is to help you develop the managerial skills required in global marketing. This involves learning how to identify and analyze the typical problems and opportunities in foreign markets, and how to best organize and implement a transnational marketing strategy. This paper was developed to help pull all of those elements together.

1.Refer to the description of the Project, if necessary. Contact your instructor by Tuesday if you have any questions about finishing up your project.
2.Finalize your thinking on your pricing, distribution and communication strategies. If relevant for your strategy, outline the role of Internet-based communication and how it is linked with your standardization/adaptation approach. Document your strategies in your course project.
3.If you have not already done so, download the MBA521 APA Style Template.
4.Assemble all components of your course project in the following order:

Part I: Feasibility Analysis
I.Project Description
II.Country Information a.Economic Factors
b.Barriers to Entry
c.Cultural Factors

III.Competitive Situation a.Industry and Market
c.Opportunities and Threats

IV.Analysis of Feasibility

Part II: Marketing Approach
II.Global or Local Approach
5.Review all feedback you have previously received from your instructor. Make improvements to your project based on the feedback you have received. Keep a list of the changes you make based on feedback and indicate why changes were not made if applicable. Attach this list of revisions to the end of your project.
6.Review your final project for APA style. Refer to your copy of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (text).
7.Be sure to communicate carefully and effectively in your feasibility analysis, in terms of appropriate tone, effective use of visual elements and clear organization.

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Business Management: 1refer to the description of the project if necessary
Reference No:- TGS0822293

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