
1rajis assigned to hold apress conference that discusses

Principles of Management Select the single best answer for each question or statement then transfer your answers to the Appropriates can sheet provided.

1Rajis assigned to hold apress conference that discusses the company's plans to Build anew plant Raj is performing the role.
a .disseminator
b .monitor
c .liai son
d .spo k esperson

2 Issues of equity and fairness are usually tied to which of the following approaches?
a .Ut i lita ri an
b .Justice
c .Ind i v i dual
_ _d .Expert

3 A company allows a foreign firm to pay it a fee and a share of the profits for using The first company's brand name and a package of materials and services . This is called :
a .franchis i ng.
b .li censing .
c .countertrading.
d .aj o i n tve n ture .

4 The four stages of a project are in order :
a .de fi n iti on,execution ,planning ,andclosing .
b.execution,definition ,planning ,andclosing .
c .definition ,planning ,execution,andc l osing.
d .plann i ng,defin i tion ,execu ti on ,andclo si ng .

5 Imelda is a careful decision maker who has a reputation for taking along time to
6 groups divisions or business units around similar businesses or
i ndustries .
a .Functionalstructures
b .P r oductdiv i sions
c .Conglomerates
d .Matrixorga ni z a t i o n s
The Human Resource Department at ABC Company has just calculated the
Absenteeism rate for 2004 and it is 25% higher than it was in 2002 and 2003. ABC
a .waituntiltheendof2002andseewha tt heratei s.
.b .investigatewhetheremploye eshavebecomedissatisfiedwiththeirjob s .
c .beginamajorjobredes i gneffort .
d .i nst i tutestrictdisc i plinarypro c eduresfo remployeeswhoareabsen t.
Bethanyiswritingapaperforhe rManagementclass .Shealreadyhasastrong' A'in
t heclass,andonlyneedstogetaConthepapertokeephe rA .Assheprepares
thefinalversionofthepaper ,shetakesspecialcarethatthepaperiswell-written,
ins i ghtful,anderror-free ,somethingthatshecanbeproudof .Bethanyis
a .anintrinsicreward.
b.h i ghequity.
c .abelonging nessneed .
d.ahyg i enefacto r .
9 People with exhibit less anxiety greater motivation and stronger
a .high self-efficacy
b.high self-monitoring
c.internal locus ofcontrol
d .high tolerance forambiguity
10 AUPS driver fails to perform according to the standards set for the route and traffic
conditions . A supervisor rides along and gives suggestions for improvement. This is
the stage of the control process.
a. compare performance to standards
b . establish standards
c. measure performance
d .take corrective action
Select the single best answer for each question or statement then transfer your answers to the
Appropriates can sheet provided.
The marketing goal of getting the right quantities to the right locations at the right
a .communicating thevalue proposition.
b .supply c h ain management.
c, .crea t ing value.
d .c a p t ur i ng valu e .
2 Many firms with complex products have missionary sales people who assist
Customers with problems and implementation programs. These sales people rarely
needsandwants .Thesesalespeoplefocusona(n)o r i entationw i th
theircustomers .
a .transactional
3 In most companies marketing resource allocation decisions are made at the SBU or
4 Zappos an online shoe company knows shoes are typically a(n)good, with the consumer often spending time comparing alternatives . They overcome that aspect of the consumer's search process by offering a free no questions asked
VALSisthemostwidelyusedt oo l.
b .self-actualization
c .psychographic
d .benefit
6. Firms can close the gap by matching customer expectations with actual


a .seniority

b .knowledge


d .communication

7. A(n) is a facility for the receipt storage and redistribution of goods to

companystoresorcustomers .


b .distributioncenter

c .UPCoffice

d .collaborativereplenishmentoffice


Browsing personal service instant gratification entertainment and social interaction

and are benefits provided by the store channel.


b .convenience

c .broaderselection

d . personalization


Almost every banker thinks his or her firm provides better service than their

competitors .Ifthisisaccurate,andcustomersrecognizeit,thebankcreatesand


a .customerexcellence.




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